About Us

Chhavi Gupta

She’s a full stack techie turned entrepreneur who is obsessed with growing businesses online. Chhavi quit her high paying 9-5 job as a computer engineer to forge her own path that enabled her to impact lives while living the ‘digital nomad’ life.

Chief Design + Strategy Executive

Communication, Strategy, Design, All things TECH, Leadership, Hugs


The Collected Works of AJ Fikry, Can’t Hurt Me, Wonder

Favourite Books

Do something that invokes thrill, curiosity, fear and satisfaction in you and go at it with full speed!


Kapil Virani

His “ideal job” is one that enables him to work on things that excite him, with the people he cares about, from anywhere in the world!
Kapil tried his hands on writing news blogs, opening his own sports bar, and directing short films until he found a sustainable way to merge his passion for marketing, writing and travelling into what we now aptly called BREAKFREE!

Chief Copywriting + Data Executive

Copywriting, Strategy, Photography, All things DATA, Optimism, Sage Advice


Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

Favourite Books

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” - Forrest Gump


Since we’re both serious about your business, let’s make it official.